School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Queensland, 29 Sept – 1 Oct 2008 calls for nominations for --> Women in Asia: Emerging Researchers Showcase
Nominations are sought from outstanding early career researchers to attend the Ninth International Women in Asia (WIA) Conference as keynote speakers. We are seeking scholars who are emerging leaders in their fields, undertaking innovative, exciting research on cultural issues. The successful applicants will present their research in one of the conference plenary sessions, receive a substantial contribution towards their travel and accommodation costs, and be given keynote billing for the conference.
The Emerging Researchers Showcase is supported by funding from the ARC Asia Pacific Futures Research Network ( ) . In 2008, the APFRN signature theme is 'Crossing Borders of Cultural Meaning in the Asia Pacific (culture and religion)' and we therefore specifically invite nominations for the Emerging Researchers Showcase in the fields of religion and culture.
Applicants should submit a CV and a statement of no more than two pages in length including a 250 word abstract of their proposed presentation, and explaining their reasons for wishing to participate, how they will benefit from participation, why they should be selected, and the names and email addresses of two referees who would be willing to provide a reference by email.
Applicants must have received their Ph D by April 1st, 2008, and no earlier than April 1st, 2003.
Applications should be emailed to :
The closing date for nominations is 20 May 2008.
Enquiries can be emailed to .
Telephone enquiries can be made to Associate Professor Helen Creese (07) 33656413; Dr Tomoko Aoyama (07) 33656350 or Dr Rosie Roberts (07) 33656399
Further information about the conference can be obtained at the conference website accessible through the LCCS School homepage at
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