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The Ship for South East Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP) 2008

What is SSEAYP?

The Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP) is based on the representative joint statements issued in January 1974 between Japan and the Republic of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Republic of the Philippines, the Republic of Singapore and the Kingdom of Thailand. Negara Brunei Darussalam, following its full independence and its admission to the Assocation of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in January 1984, joined the program in 1985. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam joined in 1996, following its admission to the ASEAN in July 1995, and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Union of Myanmar joined in 1998 after having been admitted to the ASEAN in July 1997. Furthermore in 2000, the Kingdom of Cambodia also joined this program following its admission to the ASEAN in April 1999. This program is carried out by the Government of Japan with the active participation and cooperation of these ten Southeast Asian countries.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this program is to promote friendship and mutual understanding among the youths of Japan and Southeast Asian countries to broaden their perspective on the world, as well as to strengthen their motivation and abilities in international cooperation by participating in discussions, introductions of each country, and various exchange activities both on board and in the countries to be visited. In addition, the participating youths are expected to progress with leadership positions in youth activities and various other sectors in their own countries after this program.

2. Outline of the Program

--> Schedule : SSEAYP annually lasts for a period of 51 days, usually starting in early September and ends in late October.

--> Activities on board the ship
The youths participating in this program (Participating Youths or PYs) shall take part in the following activities according to the schedule decided by the Cruise Operating Committee (COC):
a) Discussion Program
b) Solidarity group activities
c) Club activities
d) Introductions of each country
e) Lectures
f) Studies for a safe voyage, including lifeboat drill
g) Other activities approved by the COC

--> Activities in the countries to be visited
Such activities as listed below shall be conducted according to the programs arranged by the respective governments (or the Reception Committees):
a) Courtesy calls and Receptions
b) Homestays
c) Parties on board, Open Ship
d) Programs of institutional visits and interaction with local youth
e) Other activities arranged by the respective governments/Reception
Committees (Implementation of other activities shall be carried out only when
the program has sufficient spare time after activities listed above.)

--> Working language

English is the working language throughout this program.

3. Participating Youths

The PYs for the program should be:

a) Between 18 and 30 years of age as of April 1, 2005. (This is not applied to the
PYs of SSEAYP in 2001.)
b) Able to participate throughout the program.
c) Having a command of English to participate in the activities both on board the
ship and in the countries to be visited.
d) In good health both physically and mentally.
e) Cooperative and adaptable to an orderly group life.
f) Having good understanding and interests in the countries to be visited.

The application for 35th Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP) 2008 is now available at the Youth Department, Norodom Blvd. (next to Mong Rithy Group)

For those who have already learnt the news, please be notified that the deadline has been extended and the exam date has been moved to a later date. So for further information please visit the Youth Department to ask for information and collect application forms.

For Cambodians who are interested in applying and would like more information, you can send e-mail to or you can contact me directly via this e-mail

For youths in other ASEAN countries, contact your respective alumni at:

- SSEAYP International Indonesia
- SSEAYP International Philippines
- SSEAYP International Malaysia (KABESA)
- BERSATU Brunei
- SSEAYP International Singapore
- ASSAY Thailand
- IYEO Japan
- SSEAYP Vietnam
- Laos
- Myanmar (not available)

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